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Esther Ogara- Building Initiatives to Achieve Customer Success

Three words to describe Esther Ogara, our Customer Success Manager: Persistent, Curious and Professional. Esther has been the bridge between Africa 118 Inc., and our customers across Africa for the last 5 years. She describes herself as someone passionate about problem-solving and building customer-success initiatives. 

She loves travelling and having a good time with her family outside of work. When she is not busy delivering customer delight she is in the kitchen trying out Swahili cuisine.

Here is her story:

Tell us about Yourself

I am a self-motivated person who does more than empower myself to check things off the to-do list. Being self-motivated also means having enough self-awareness to know what works for me and what doesn’t. Additionally, I am a staunch Christian who believes in persistence, success, and personal discipline. 

Tell us about your experience managing customer success in the African market

I am a customer success manager at Africa 118 Inc. My vast experience has exposed me to a diverse portfolio of clients in Africa. This role has opened opportunities for me to learn more about diverse business cultures and the multiple solutions for different businesses on the continent. 

How do you approach building long-term relationships with customers in diverse cultures across Africa?

I am a self-driven person with a passion for attaining achievement, and success. I believe I have the Personal drive to achieve, the desire to improve or to meet certain standards; Commitment to personal or organisational goals; and the readiness to act on opportunities. These attributes have played a critical role in understanding the diverse cultures across Africa and provide solutions for customers

4. Can you provide an example of a challenging customer situation you’ve successfully resolved, and how you did it?

I once managed a portfolio of over 500 accounts, ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. I was responsible for onboarding, training, retention, upselling, and renewal of these accounts. I also acted as the main point of contact for any issues or feedback that the customers had. The challenge was handling each customer’s challenges and achieving their desired outcome or expectation. However, we achieved success through teamwork and establishing a collaborative environment with our customers. 

How do you measure and analyze customer feedback to improve customer success initiatives?

At Africa 118 Inc., we believe the customer always comes first. Therefore,  our consistency in analyzing customer feedback is unparalleled. Our unique 5- stage customer success strategy caters for everyone as shown below:

  • We have open and reliable feedback channels. 
  • We Collate your feedback in one place.
  • We categorize your feedback.
  • Our team then does a  root cause analysis of customer feedback.
  • Finally, we generate a feedback analysis report: How to present the results to drive actions.
Customer service- Africa 118 Inc.

What role does technology play in enhancing customer success at Africa 118 Inc?

Technology has continued to redefine how companies run business. A good example is Automation! Automation allows customer service reps to work smarter and quicker. This improves customer outcomes: Using tools to gain visibility over your customers’ buying habits and preferences leads to better customer outcomes and increased retention. So, I believe Technology has necessitated a shift in customer strategy initiatives in line with emerging trends. 

What are the key qualities that make a good customer success manager in the African market?

As I indicated, a customer success manager should be a self-driven and passionate person with problem-solving skills and persistence. Additionally, HE/SHE should be a critical thinker who enjoys interpersonal skills and relationship management abilities. 

How do you handle customer escalations and manage customer expectations effectively?

Listening and empathizing are two essential tactics for handling customer expectations. This starts by understanding the customer; Their needs, aspirations, behaviours and preferences. At Africa 118 Inc. we acknowledge their feelings, express their concerns and show a willingness to help. By following these steps we achieve our customers desired outcomes 

Can you share any innovative customer success initiatives you’ve implemented in Africa that have yielded positive results?

At Africa 118 Inc., we always endeavour to amplify the digital footprint of SMEs across Africa. A good example is the Digital Launchpad Project which gives these businesses much-needed online visibility and a competitive edge across global markets. The customer success team is supporting this project by enhancing product adoption, Focused follow-ups, and customer assistance.

On Work-Life balance, what are your Hobbies?

I enjoy travelling and having a good time with my family outside of work

What is your favourite food?

I am a foodie who has a loyal inclination for Swahili cuisine

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